the weary wanderer

Gilgamesh | Lavender Beds W22P23The Weary Wanderer is a literary café in the Lavender Beds. Upstairs is a cozy bookshop. Downstairs, you'll find a small bar area to relax in or watch a show.


Rael Touchstone (they/them)
Owner & Proprietrix
Reader Profile: Horror and Romance. Mark me down as scared AND horny. I also read a lot of nonfiction on whatever I'm interested in at the time. I grew up on sci-fi and fantasy, and I still go for a lot of that - but only if there are horror elements and/or queer people.

Lir'iael Ju'eir (she/her)
Reader, Guest Relations

Catharine Euphemia (she/her)
Bartender, Guest Relations

Catharine Euphemia

Events & Hours

📚Open Sundays at 7:00pm EST.📚
Gilg | LB W22P23
Coming Soon
Readings from Neil Gaiman's Sandman


The Book of Water
This is a waterproof-covered book which has lost its colour by much contact with water. It is full of investigative drawings and exploratory text written on many different thicknesses of paper. There are drawings of every conceivable watery association--seas, tempests, rain, snow, clouds, lakes, waterfalls, streams, canals, water-mills, shipwrecks, floods and tears. As the pages are turned, the watery elements are often animated. There are rippling waves and slanting storms. Rivers and cataracts flow and bubble. Plans of hydraulic machinery and maps of weather-forecasting flicker with arrows, symbols, and agitated diagrams. The drawings are all made by one hand.
Thirty-Six Plays
This is a thick, printed volume of plays dated 1623. All thirty-six plays are there save one--the first. Nineteen pages are left blank for its inclusion. The folio collection is modestly bound in dull green linen with cardboard covers. The author's initials are embossed in gold paint on the cover. W.S.
A Book of Love
This is a small, slim, scented volume bound in red and gold, with knotted crimson ribbons for page-markers. The smell of the pages makes you flush. There is certainly and image of two beautiful, nude figures (or were there more?), and an images of clasped hands. These things were once spotted, briefly, in a mirror, and that mirror was in another book. Everything else is conjecture.
A Book of Architecture and Other Music
When the pages are opened in this book, plans and diagrams spring up fully-formed. there are definitive models of buildings constantly shaded by moving cloud-shadow. Noontime piazzas fill and empty with noisy crowds, lights flicker in nocturnal urban landscapes and music is played in the halls and towers. The book describes castles on the floor of the Ruby Sea, and "Golden Cities" in some New World. Strangely, this book references architectural styles of cultures and peoples that can't have existed on this star.

you are very smart :3

Choose wisely